Millions of people need a wheelchair and cannot afford one. Invigorate will help solve this.
75 million people do not have access to an appropriate wheelchair and there is an urgent need for supportive pediatric wheelchairs. The cost basis is approximately $20B, so Invigorate is implementing a diversified revenue strategy, by leveraging business, technology, and partnerships to transform lives for good.
Invigorate is recruiting business people to join Advisory Groups to mentor, advise, and lead young leaders to operate profitable businesses, and Invigorate business units, to subsidize wheelchairs. Invigorate will use technology to control policies, processes, procedures, and maintain oversight. All resources, training courses, processes, communications, finances, governance, reporting, inventory, and accountability measures will be on a secure online platform.
Invigorate is forming partnerships with organizations, business networks, incubators, and accelerators that have the experience, curriculum, and programming to support four strategic objectives: Partnering with Mission Hospitals, Leading Advisory Groups, Developing Sustainable Revenue Streams, and Operating Modern Manufacturing Facilities.
Transform Lives for Good
Everyone who is lifted off the ground and appropriately seated on a wheelchair experiences a better quality of life, improved earning potential, and better acceptance in their community. The goal is to deliver each wheelchair with a message of hope.